Suomeksi | In English




Our manufacturing know-how is the base for our assemblies. We assemble different assemblies for several customers in flexible and cost-efficient way. Finalized surface finished products have been assembled from parts which we have machined ourselves. For example we supply hydraulic brake and cylinder assemblies for Sandvik.

Demanding parts

Based on our strong manufacturing know-how, we manufacture extremely demanding mass production parts. Producing precise parts with demanding dimensions and great surfaces is every day for us. For example we have manufactured several different kind of extremely demanding parts and valve assemblies for Wärtsilä over 40 years. Characterizing features for Wärtsilä’s parts are precise dimensioning, demanding shapes and high-class surface quality.


For us it is utmost importance that we fullfil promises given to our customers, in delivery timewise and in demands for products. Our processes are also cotrolled by certified ISO9001:2015 quality management system. ISO9001

We have the desire and ability to succeed together

Ket-Met Oy
Ainonkatu 10 Map»
FI-57200 Savonlinna
tel. +358 20 7809 470

Tuomas Kalanen
tel. +358 20 7809 475


Helena Kapanen